
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests



Poverty, a shameful epidemic raging through Britain

Christian Aid bill-board

By Lucette Davies

Poverty in the UK and the rise in poverty has to be one of the most important issues that the government needs to tackle.  The state has a duty to ensure the well-being of its citizens, and that means all of its citizens.  I attended a fringe event at the Labour Party conference last week that discussed the role of the state and the church in tackling poverty.  The Trussell Trust is a church led organisation that runs the largest network of food banks in this country and they have collected data that demonstrates the scale of the problem and sent a speaker to this event. I left the meeting thinking how on earth can a country like Britain be witnessing poverty on such a scale.  What has gone wrong? Continue reading “Poverty, a shameful epidemic raging through Britain”

Poverty in Eastbourne, surely not?

By Lucette Davies

This Saturday a short film was shown at Eastbourne’s Underground Theatre titled Poverty in Eastbourne.  The film focused on the work of a few of the agencies that exist in the town whose work is designed to offer support to anyone experiencing homelessness or poverty.  Many of the people who were there on Saturday came from those agencies but the film left me with a strong feeling that more people need to see it.

Continue reading “Poverty in Eastbourne, surely not?”

What sort of recovery are we having in the UK?

Banner shown at March for the AlternativeBy Lucette Davies

All around me I am seeing and hearing about levels of injustice and social inequality that I find horrifying.  As we are hearing more and more about the economic recovery in the UK I thought I would look to see if I could find any signs of it myself.









Continue reading “What sort of recovery are we having in the UK?”

The British Class System and does it really matter?

A cartoon depicting an upper class man and a working class manBy Lucette Davies

Many people may not consciously think about which socio-economic class they are in.  The class system is still governing much of what we do and what we can’t do.  Movement between the classes can still be very difficult and I feel it is useful to have a look at what is defining the classes these days and how that affects our lives.
Continue reading “The British Class System and does it really matter?”

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