
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests



Has David Cameron manipulated the country’s emotions?

David Cameron 'selfie'

By Lucette Davies

One factor that seems to have enormous influence on the country’s political climate is the importance of hope within the population.  Harsh economic conditions have a tendency to force people into thinking only about themselves.  It is hard to be generous when you are scared that you will be unable to feed your own family. Continue reading “Has David Cameron manipulated the country’s emotions?”

Something positive after a very negative week of news

Logo image of the thunder foundation

By Lucette Davies

Politics can be very depressing and this weekend has left me feeling quite wrung out with it all.

This post will talk about how politics can affect someone and how it has left me feeling I want to raise money for the Thunder Foundation.


Continue reading “Something positive after a very negative week of news”

Why I get angered by the right wing

satirical image about conservativesBy Lucette Davies

Many of the people who know me will know that I am quite left wing.  Quite possibly some of the readers of this blog will have worked that out too.  Some of my friends will go so far as to say that I am angry with the current government, and to be honest they are right.

Many people find anger hard and can feel uncomfortable listening to an angry person, so I often have to bite my tongue, but I would like to explain why I feel so enraged at times.




Continue reading “Why I get angered by the right wing”

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