
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests


People’s Assembly

Along with miracle diet aids we have been sold austerity and swallowed it whole

An anti-austerity protest in Dublin

By Lucette Davies

Despite Tory claims that we need to stick with their economic plan that they say is working.  Many people are now in a position where they have no chance of improving their circumstances.  Disadvantages can bring about more disadvantages and prevent a person from bettering their lives.  Inadequate housing is one such disadvantage, it can limit the capacity of a person to work hard, stay well, stay positive or believe in any sort of future for themselves.  And too many people live like this.  So why then is our government, that is forcing increasing numbers of people into poverty, gaining so much support?  Why is Labour falling down in the polls all the time?  I believe this is the effect of a crafty PR campaign that is encouraging many to feel that there is no money left to start alleviating hardship. Continue reading “Along with miracle diet aids we have been sold austerity and swallowed it whole”

Eastbourne People’s Assembly is launched

panelists at the launch of Eastbourne People's Assembly

By Lucette Davies

Back in 2013 this letter was published in The Guardian with a very impressive list of signatories and the national People’s Assembly was formed.  They are committed to an agenda, something that I have felt I could only approach with trepidation.  The UK has a national debt that increased exponentially in the last parliament, how on earth could we even think about not cutting back on spending?  But I have felt the effect of cuts myself, seen the effects of cuts on many other lives and I live in fear of even more being imposed.  And so I went along to the launch night of the Eastbourne on Saturday night. Continue reading “Eastbourne People’s Assembly is launched”

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