
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests


Fawcett Society

South London Fawcett Society commemorate the work of Milicent Fawcett

Siuffragette Fellowship MemorialBy Lucette Davies

On the 2nd July a small group of women gathered at the Suffragette Fellowship Memorial to mark the 86th anniversary of the day when parliament voted in favour of giving women the vote.

They were commemorating the work of Milicent Fawcett, who had had the honour of being able to attend parliament on that day and is the founder of the Fawcett Society that exists today.







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Women, employment and gender inequality

Image of women working as mechanicsBy Lucette Davies

It is unlikely that many people will have missed David Cameron’s statement on how we now have more women in employment than ever before.  This post will examine just where we actually are regarding women and employment.





Continue reading “Women, employment and gender inequality”

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