
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests



Sussex Voyages boat trips offer a chance to experience nature at its best

Approaching Beachy Head from the sea

By Lucette Davies


How many times have we seen TV shows where elderly people are heading off for a weekend in Eastbourne?  The idea of Eastbourne as ‘god’s waiting room’ can be quite pervasive and there is no smoke without fire, but…. Eastbourne really has so much to offer people of all ages.  One of the most important factors for me about living in Eastbourne is really feeling so close to the natural world.  Although the idea was really about giving someone a birthday present, I could be accused of having an ulterior motive when I booked two places on a boat trip from Eastbourne Harbour last weekend. Continue reading “Sussex Voyages boat trips offer a chance to experience nature at its best”

Poverty in Eastbourne, surely not?

By Lucette Davies

This Saturday a short film was shown at Eastbourne’s Underground Theatre titled Poverty in Eastbourne.  The film focused on the work of a few of the agencies that exist in the town whose work is designed to offer support to anyone experiencing homelessness or poverty.  Many of the people who were there on Saturday came from those agencies but the film left me with a strong feeling that more people need to see it.

Continue reading “Poverty in Eastbourne, surely not?”

What sort of recovery are we having in the UK?

Banner shown at March for the AlternativeBy Lucette Davies

All around me I am seeing and hearing about levels of injustice and social inequality that I find horrifying.  As we are hearing more and more about the economic recovery in the UK I thought I would look to see if I could find any signs of it myself.









Continue reading “What sort of recovery are we having in the UK?”

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