
Lucette Davies – journalist

My writing, my skills and my interests


2015 general election

How did this happen? #GE2015

Poster about homelessnessBy Lucette Davies

I wasn’t the only person feeling somewhat optimistic on Thursday.  There was now a chance that we could get a more progressive government.  A chance that the underlying angst that had hung over many people for the last five years would be lifted.  But hopes were dashed on the announcement of the exit polls.  After a restless night on Thursday, I woke with a migraine, fumbled to turn on my smartphone and found out  the reality was far worse.  So what on earth went wrong? Continue reading “How did this happen? #GE2015”

The root of all evil

Satirical imageBy Sally Patricia Gardner

Like many others, I watched the Question Time debate last week. Pity Dave wasn’t brave enough to go head-to-head, so I guess this was as good as it gets. The bit that really annoyed me was when he produced and waved around that famous note (you know, ‘The money’s all gone’- that one). Because he knows perfectly well that really was intended as a joke. Continue reading “The root of all evil”

This General Election is feeling very negative

A word Cloud from a prime minesterial debateBy Lucette Davies

On Thursday many people will be going to polling booths to cast a vote for either SNP, Plaid Cmyru, The Green Party or UKIP.  The government that we end up with will still be either Labour or Conservative although they are more than likely to be in a coalition.  So should we be thinking about ending the two party system that we have lived with for so long and embrace electoral  reform? Continue reading “This General Election is feeling very negative”

A belief in fairness and equality means I will be backing Ed

Image of Ed Miliband

By Sally Patricia Gardner

It is hard not to get political at the moment with politics everywhere.  As a Prime Minister whose own party failed to achieve an overall majority in 2010, Cameron’s immediate response was to fence himself in for a five year term.  Consequently we have all been subjected to this American style (long!) election campaign.  Thanks Dave. Continue reading “A belief in fairness and equality means I will be backing Ed”

Conservative Party policy for 2015 seems quite implausible

David Cameron

By Lucette Davies

David Cameron is proposing a drastic cut back on the size of the state if he is re-elected in May.  But this has left me feeling unsure of what he is hoping for regarding the future of Britain.  It seems that unless he allows the lives of many  British people to reduce to the quality of life they could have expected in Victorian times, he is going to have to upset his donors.  Continue reading “Conservative Party policy for 2015 seems quite implausible”

The NHS and the choices we will have this May

NHS poster by Byzantine_KBy Lucette Davies

My previous blog post has attempted to explain why I believe that the future of our NHS service should be considered very carefully by everyone as they go into polling booths on the 7th May.

I wanted to write this post,  so as to try and give voters who share my concerns a brief run down on how our choices that we make when voting this May will influence health policy. Continue reading “The NHS and the choices we will have this May”

Who will win an election that is a battle between right and left?

Diagram of left and right thinkingBy Lucette Davies

Tony Blair recently made a statement about how he feels the 2015 General Election will be the traditional fight between left and right with the traditional result, meaning a Conservative victory.  How true was this statement? Continue reading “Who will win an election that is a battle between right and left?”

What are the choices we will have in 2015?

Image showing a statement encouraging people to voteBy Lucette Davies

Electioneering has started with a vengeance.  Each of the political parties is pouring their energy into winning the support of the public.

Some people say that they feel all the parties are as bad as each other.  Others say that they don’t like politics or that they don’t care who is in power in 2015.

Are all the parties much the same?  Can we really ignore politics and take no interest? How do we decide who to vote for on polling day? Continue reading “What are the choices we will have in 2015?”

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